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Extended Health Plan

The Extended Health Plan is a supplement to Graduate Teaching Assistant's existing health insurance (e.g., the SOGS supplemental health plan or private insurance). The Extended Health Plan acts as a rebate system that covers both physical and mental health costs up to $1000/year.

All members who have held a Teaching Assistant position for at least one term in the academic year are eligible for the fund.

2023-2024 Academic Year Deadlines:

Purchase Deadline: August 31, 2024

Claim Submission Deadline: September 30, 2024

Mental Health Fund

Similar to the Extended Health Plan, the Mental Health Fund acts as a rebate system that covers $599/year towards mental health costs (e.g., therapies, medications, etc). Once you have used all $599, members are welcome to use their Extended Health Plan and subsequently, Financial Assistance Funds to cover any remaining mental health costs.


All members that have held a Teaching Assistant position for at least one term in the academic year are eligible for the fund.

2023-2024 Academic Year Deadlines:

Purchase Deadline: August 31, 2024

Claim Submission Deadline: September 30, 2024

We are no longer accepting applications for the 2022-2023  Academic Year.

Financial Assistance Fund

The Financial Assistance Fund exists to provide support to members who experience unexpected financial need. The following types of expenses can be funded, with appropriate justification:

1) Medical Emergencies (maximum $500 per term)

2) Personal Emergencies (maximum $500 per term)

3) Academic/Conference Travel (maximum $300 per academic year)

4) Child Care Subsidy (maximum $750 per academic year)


Fall Term: September 1st to December 31st (Final fall term deadline is Jan. 1)

Winter Term: January 1st to April 31st (Final winter term deadline is May 1)

Summer Term: May 1st to August 31st (Final summer term deadline is September 1)


Note that this fund is limited and we cannot offer funding to all applicants. The Union's Financial Assistance Committee determines priority.


Applications now open.

Food Support Fund

The Food Support Fund administers and dispenses resources for members who experience financial shortage that affects their ability to purchase food. Each successful applicant will receive $150 plus $50 for every dependent in their household (e.g., spouse, children) to a maximum of $300 per term.


Members who live with a partner who is also employed as a TA or Post-Doc at Western shall apply together on one form. Successful two-member applications receive $150 for each member (total $300), plus $50 for dependents to a maximum of $300 per term.


The terms divide into Fall (September 1st-December 1st), Winter (January 1st-April 1st) and Summer (June 1st-August 1st). An academic year runs September 1st- August 31st. Application adjudication periods divide occurring to the months in the calendar (1st-31st). 

Employee Assistance Program

The Employee and Family Assistance Program services are provided by Morneau Shepell. It offers employees access to 24/7 crisis support, individual counselling, group therapy, and family services. Telephone assistance is available by calling 1-844-880-9142, more information can be found by following the link.


UHIP Assistance

Based on our Collective Agreement, the employer provides funds to allocate towards the International UHIP Refund Program. Any member that has held a Teaching Assistant position for at least one term in the academic year, who pays UHIP fees, is eligible for UHIP assistance.


Each year the application process will open and close in the spring. The amount allocated to the program shall be divided by the number of eligible applicants, and each eligible applicant shall receive a cheque. The cheque cutting process is not under our control, so expect delays.

UHIP Application for 2023-2024 is now closed. 

23/24 SSP FORM

Summer Support Program (SSP)

The SSP exists to provide support to members who will not be receiving funding from their program during the summer term.

Members are not eligible for this fund if any of the following points are met:

  1. Another source of income over $1000/month during the summer (ie. GTA, GSA, Graduate Fellowship) provided by their program and university

  2. Over $1000/month net income from WGRS in the summer

  3. Make over $13,000 during the entire academic year (the equivalent of two GTA contracts). 


Eligibility is decided by office staff and the executive committee through consultation with each department and their funding packages for each program. Members will sign this form in agreement that their data is being collected and stored in this manner.

Applications for Summer Support are now closed until Summer of 2024. 

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