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Member Resources

Member Resources

Collective Agreements

Teaching Assistant

Collective Agreement

The TA Collective Agreement is a negotiated contract between the PSAC and Western University. 

The 2023-2027 Collective Agreement has been ratified by the membership. We are waiting on the Employer to send us the corrected and signed CA, they sent us a version that does not fully align the the language ratified by our membership. In the meantime, the 2020-2023 collective agreement is linked here for your reference and any questions about the new CA can be sent to

Postdoctoral Associate

Collective Agreement

The PDA Collective Agreement is a negotiated contract between the PSAC and Western University. The current contract expires in 2026, and was renegotiated in early 2023.

Bylaws & Constitutions

PSAC Local 610

Bylaws & Policies

The local's bylaws help guide member participation in the local, and lists out the duties of the local's executive. Bylaw changes are made by the bylaw committee and voted on by members at an AGM.

Ontario Region PSAC


PSAC Ontario bylaws help guide PSAC members in the Ontario region. They are changed by delegates at PSAC Ontario Triennial Convention. 

PSAC Constitution &


The PSAC Constitution governs all PSAC members. Changes to the constitution are voted on by delegates at PSAC National Triennial Convention.

Local Resources

Local 610


The Local's handbook contains basic information about the functioning of the local and PSAC in general. It will also assist you in filing a grievance, joining a committee, and knowing your benefits.

Local 610

Service Agreement

The Local negotiates a service agreement with our regional representatives to address our specific needs, and the best way that PSAC can support our local.


Nomination Form

Stewards are an integral part of the local. They help listen to members in their department, and help with grievances. Submit a nomination form if you want to represent your department. 

Hour Tracking


As TAs we are paid hourly. Tracking your hours is important, so that you don't work more than what you are getting paid for, and that you have the evidence that you are in need of overtime if necessary.

Request For

Overtime Form

If you are tracking your hours, and you expect you will need more time to complete your work, you need to submit a request for overtime for your supervisor. Please do this with enough advanced notice.

Mental Health Fund


We were given in the last TA Collective Agreement money to cover members mental health costs. Since it was a one time payment, we have posted the policy here, as well as a lit review for the policy.
Steward Resources

Steward Resources

Grievance Handling

Steward Fact Sheet

Should an early resolution not be achieved, a complete case file is required in order to facilitate effective representation. Please use this fact sheet to collect information on the issue or problem. This will help you ensure that the grievance process and timeframes have been respected.



When members come to you with a grievance, as Stewards you need to immediately fill out and submit a grievance form if the member desires. 


Transmittal Form

When members come to you with a grievance, as Stewards you need to immediately fill out and submit a grievance form if the member desires. 

Steward Training


Tool Kit

A book produced by the PSAC to help Stewards to carry out their duties. Click for the PDF version, but we also have paper copies for those who are interested - just stop by the office.


Online Training Module

PSAC creates online training modules for Stewards. These are only accessible with a PSAC online account. You will need your union number found on your union card, or come to the office for it.
Legislative Resources

Legislative Resources

Ontario Labour

Relations Act

The OLRA governs labour relations between unions and employers in Ontario. Including collective bargaining and workplace grievances. Know your rights!

Ontario Human

Rights Code

The OHRC is the legal framework that legislates the rights of Ontario citizens to be free from discrimination.

Occupational Health

And Safety Act

The OHSA is the legal framework that governs workplace safety. 

Workplace Safety

And Insurance Act

The WSIA governs the rights of injured workers. Including compensation or the right to return to work etc.

Canadian Charter of

Rights and Freedoms

The Charter is what grants you rights in Canada. Know your rights. 
Other Links

Other Links

This is just a list of links to websites that members may find useful. This includes PSAC websites, local labour councils, and other campus unions.





London and District

Labour Council

Ontario Federation

of Labour

Canadian Labour


Society of Graduate


University of Western

Ontario Faculty Association

CUPE 2361 Facilities


University of Western

Ontario Staff Association

CUPE 2692

Hospitality Services


Police Association




© PSAC 610

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